labrador breeding, chocolate labrador, tourcoing labrador retriever, Roubaix, lille, Paris, labrador retriever, black labrador

Chocolate and Black Labrador Retriever LOF

Family breeding - Hauts de France 59



Discover our specimens in total relaxation, practicing agility, sport of complicity and moment of relaxation with our faithful friend, the Labrador retriever.

Discover those thanks to whom all this is possible.

For us, every moment is a source of potential and complicity and we attach great importance to our daily actions with our dogs.

Our personal investment allows us to discover multitudes of things with our dogs, at all levels: education, advice, fitness, hunting, agility, tracking, competitions, sleight of hand, relationship to water, so many activities that the Labrador Retriever can approach without causing concern to his health. He is capable of a multitude of things, other than naps, but beware, not all of them are good for him.

Here we present to you an extract of the moments captured in agility with our Labradors. From the discovery, then the initiation, in the beginner course, and through the course adapted to the puppies, we evolve with the dog, and above all we adapt according to his age.

Moment of relaxation, fun, obedience, and complicity, with the dog, all follow each other but rarely look alike. You just have to observe their cheerful attitude, their smile, to see and understand that they greatly appreciate this moment, when we obey while having fun...!

If you feel like it, you can come and discover us on the agility grounds, while waiting for a discovery in pictures.

Footbridge, tunnel, sock, slalom, buoy, table, … the vocabulary is varied, the exercises also, all this in simple course as more full-bodied, and above all all this in a good mood, and an extraordinary complicity.

- Extract in pictures -

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